Cellist Solina Lee

Emerging Korean-Canadian cellist, Solina Lee, is recognized for her musical sensitivity and sincerity. Solina has been a recipient of numerous awards and scholarships. Recently, she was awarded the Persons Case Scholarship from the Alberta Ministry of Arts, Culture and Status of Women. She was a designated Schulich Scholar and recipient of the Graduate Excellence Recruitment Fellowship.

Ms. Lee was a semi-finalist at the Concours Prix D’Europe in 2023, and a semi-finalist in the 2022-2023 Golden Violin Competition at McGill University. Solina was a selected participant of the Orchestre Symphonique de Montreal “Orchestral Immersion Project” in 2022, where she had the opportunity to perform in the orchestra at the Maison Symphonique under the baton of Maestro Rafael Payare.

As an avid chamber musician, Ms. Lee was a founding member of the 8PM Piano Trio. During her time in the trio, they were awarded the grand prize at the 2021 McGill Chamber Music Competition, which included a residency at the Mozarteum University in Salzburg, Austria. The trio has performed at the Chappelle Historique du Bon-Pasteur in Montréal and in the Musical Chairs Chamber Music Festival.

Summer festivals she has attended include Morningside Music Bridge, Orford Music, Encore Chamber Music Institute, and Toronto Summer Music, where she had the opportunity to perform with many distinguished artists, including Yura Lee, Milena Pajaro-van de Stadt, and Andrew Wan.

Solina received her Bachelor of Music and Master in Music at McGill University, Schulich School of Music, where she studied with principal cellist of the Montréal Symphony, Brian Manker.

[Recent as of May 2024]